Why do we ‘google’ and not ‘yahoo’ or ‘bing’?

Product Design is the key differentiator in great products and average products.
Yahoo was founded in 1994.
Google was founded in 1998.
Microsoft’s search engine ‘Bing’ was founded in 2009.
The google search page uses The Laws of Gestalt or The Laws of Visual Psychology.
In fact, the google search page uses three Laws of Gestalt.
1. The Law of Figure and Ground – the search bar is in the foreground(figure) in a bright blank white background (ground)
2. The Law of Closure – the search bar is inviting us to write something in it. There is nothing else that one can do on a google search page.
3. The Law of Simplicity – the google page is minimalistic in design. A first-time user would know how to search. There are no distractions.
Compare this with ‘Yahoo’ and ‘Bing’ and you know why we ‘google’ and not ‘yahoo’ or ‘bingle’? 
Our Product Management course is designed to cover the Laws of Gestalt and The Laws of Visual and Color Psychology. 
These two sessions will uplift your Design thinking abilities and you can think of user-centred design. 
Our Differentiators: 
  1. Harvard Business School case-study-based training
  2. The cost of the Training is only INR 19,999/-
  3. Duration is only 1 week
  4. Product Management Trainers have combined professional experience of more than 40 years in Product Strategy, Product Management and Product Marketing
  5. The Trainers also have 10+ years in Academics and Product Management Training.
  6. We cover vast domain of Product management and include all the topics like Behavior Driven Design and concepts of Choice Architecture, Nudge and Behavioral Economics.

If you want us to train the product management and product development team at your company, please contact us @ rahul.vtc@gmail.com

Principles of Design
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