When is the celebration time for Product Managers?

Celebration for Product Managers is not only during Product Launches but more importantly during Customer delight moments. 
Celebration for Product managers is when Engineers, UX designers, Marketing and Sales, and Customer support enjoy Innovating and building the product with you. 
As a Product Manager, you meet customers to understand their problems and any improvements in the product that can solve those problems.
In one of these meetings, instead of complaining about your product, if the Customer says that:
  1. The product is the best product in the Industry and no other product is available in the market that solves all of my problems.
  2. Customer compliments about the usability and user experience of your product.
  3. The customer shares the value of using your software in terms of providing clear visibility, autonomy, transparency and efficiency.
  4. The customer is delighted with your product and is also vocal about it.
  5. The customer shares a positive word of mouth for the product within his network.
Then, there is a big smile on the face of the product manager. This is the right time to celebrate the success of your product together with all the people involved in the making of the product.
This is the time to say Thank you to Product Development, Marketing, UX Design, Customer support, Sales and all others involved in delighting the customers.
  1. Meet your customers
  2. Celebrate positive feedback from your customers within and outside the organization.
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