Can Software Products be Designed with Multi-Sensory Approach?

The UX Design must be in alignment with User Behaviour and User Habits.
Here is an example: 
The basic construct of Humans or Consumers has six senses. Five of the sense organs are on Face.
1. Eyes – sight
2. Ears – sound
3. Nose- smell
4. Tongue- taste
5. Skin-touch
6. Sixth sense is Mind-Intellect- Think, feel & decide
The activity that engages all the six senses creates a memorable experience and has the maximum impact to consumers’ mind.
E.g: Eating is an activity that engages all the six senses.
We like the colour of the delicious dishes. (colour of Biryani)
We like the smell, the aroma of biryani
We like the sound that is made while eating the crunchy & crispy dishes
We love the taste and finally, we like to feel the texture and enjoy eating with our hands.
We use the mind to choose and decide on tasty or nutritious food.
The activity that engages all the six senses creates maximum impact on its users and is memorable
How many senses are involved while ordering on Zomato? 
Should UX Design be created for web and mobile apps so that it involves all the sensory organs? 
Do you like the sound of games that you play using Cred? 
At Rebel Learning House, we have designed the Product Management Course so that the UX Design thinking abilities of Product Managers are enhanced. 
Our Product Management Training includes the following topics: 
  1. Consumer Behaviour Analysis
  2. Design Thinking
  3. Laws of Gestalt
  4. Laws of Color Psychology
  5. Application of Behavioural Economics in UX Design
  6. Nudge 
  7. Choice Architecture
  8. Behaviour Driven Design concept
  9. Hooked Model – How to build habit-forming products?

Want to learn Consumer behaviour analysis, Concepts and Application of Behavioural Economics, Join us 

If you want us to train your product management and product development leaders in your company, contact us @ 
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