What is the Role of the Product Manager?

role of the Product Manager

There are two worlds of every Organisation. One is the Outside World and the other is an Internal world.

The outside world comprises Customers, Market, Competitors, Government, social, economic and technological factors that impact the business.
The internal world of the Organisation comprises Engineering, Design, Marketing, Sales, Customer Support, Finance and Management Teams. The role of the Product Manager spans both the external World and the Internal world of the Software Product Organisation.
Towards the Outside world, the role of the Product Manager is to understand the customer needs and problems. The Product Manager conducts Customer behavior analysis, understands the offerings of the competitor, conducts competition analysis and creates a unique value proposition and differentiation for customers. The product manager defines Product strategy and customer value. The product manager conducts user research and secondary market research based on research conducted by research organisations like McKinsey. The product manager also studies external factors like political, economic, social, technological and environmental(nature) factors that impact the business.
All of this analysis of the external world: Market, Customer behaviour, competitors and external environmental factors help Product managers to identify the right customer needs and define product strategy, customer value proposition. The goal is to identify the right opportunity to work upon and build products to solve the customer problems leveraging technology.
Towards the internal world, the role of the product manager is to work with Engineering and design team to define the perfect user experience for the customer and then co-create solutions working with scrum teams. The product manager also works with the Marketing and Sales team to bring out the right messaging for the product so that the right channels are identified to Go to Market. He ensures that Customer value is communicated in Marketing promotions.
To summarise, the Role of the Product Manager is to identify opportunities based on customer behaviour understanding, Market research, competition analysis and environmental analysis. Once, the right opportunity and customer problems are defined, then work with Engineering and Design team to build the product and finally work with Marketing to communicate the customer value to the Market.
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