The Epic Battle of Generative AI

Generative AI Leaders

The Epic Battle of Generative AI has begun already. The Race for tech domination is ON between Google & Microsoft.

The truth is Every Business is a War and the primary objective of the Product strategy is to deliver superior customer value than your competitors.
Do you know – Who will be the Leader of Generative AI?
Microsoft or Google?

With the acquisition of Open AI & speedy adoption of chat GPT, Microsoft certainly got the first-mover advantage. However, the Battle is yet to unfold globally.
The Market Leader will be decided shortly when Generative AI crosses the chasm and moves to the mainstream market.

  1. Yesterday, TCS launched its Generative AI solution in partnership with Google Cloud AI services like Vertex AI, Generative AI App Builder, and Model Garden collection of foundation models.
  2. Today, Wipro has shared about its partnerships with Google Cloud and integration with Vertex AI, a Gen AI app builder.
    It seems that Enterprises this time are inclined towards Google’s Generative AI services as compared to Microsoft.

The Market leader will be decided by customers as the future unfolds.
Who will be the Leader and Challenger Player?
Who will be the Niche Player?
Who will be the Follower Player?

As Product Managers, it is important to understand your Product’s position in the Market and accordingly craft a competition strategy to outwit the competitors.

We have created Product management case studies on the following topics and are included in our Product Management Training Program: 

  • Competition Analysis
  • Points of Parity and Points of Differentiation Analysis
  • Competition Strategies based on the book – Marketing Warfare written by Al Ries and Jack Trout.

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Our Product Management Training Program will uplift your Product Strategic thinking skills and will help you move up in the product career.

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