Four Harmonious Friends of Bhutan

Great Products are built on Great Teams. 
The execution Team is the secret behind every successful product and every successful company. We offer product manager training online to Software companies.
In 2019, While I was on vacation with my family to Bhutan. We came across this story of four harmonious friends who lived happily with mutual cooperation.
This story is about four friends, an elephant, a monkey, a peacock and a rabbit. This is a well-known story all over Bhutan. In the beginning, the four friends were not friends. They argued about who had the right to a fruit tree, whose delicious fruit was enjoyed by all of them.
This argument stopped when a man overruled them and claimed ownership of the fruit tree. The four friends wondered what to do to get the fruit they all loved. They wanted to help each other so they became friends.
“I will plant a seed in the ground,” the peacock said.
“I will water it,” the rabbit said.
“I will fertilize it,” said the monkey.
“I will protect it,” said the elephant.
The seed grew and grew until it became a tree. On the tree came the lovely fruit.
Now the four friends had a problem.
They could see the fruits but they could not reach them.
So, they made a tower by climbing on each other’s backs; first the elephant, then the monkey, the rabbit, and finally the peacock.
Through their friendship and cooperation, the four were able to share their fruit.
As a Product Manager, friendship and cooperation with the other cross-functional teams can help you create great products and all of you can succeed together.
Co-operate and collaborate with the Development team, Customer support, Marketing, Sales, and Design Team.
The team is the most important factor for the success of a company and building great products.
At Rebel Learning House, We train product management teams and leaders in product development teams for software companies.
  • The training method is in a case study format and most of the cases are taken from Harvard Business School.
  • Trainers have more than 40 years of Industry experience
  • Experiential learning method by giving hands-on exercises to participants.
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