Build Measure Learn

Build Measure Learn is the process to build the right products faster based on validated learning from Customer feedback. 
This concept is shared by Eric Ries in his book – The Lean Startup. 
A few years ago, while I was building an online travel app for a startup, we built a new feature for users to book buses.
The situation was after introducing the feature, we tracked the no. of bus bookings daily and weekly. There was no significant growth in the no. of bus bookings though there was a lot of traffic in terms of users who were searching for the buses, but were not booked.
How to tackle this as a product manager?
  • We tracked the user behaviour on the application based on user journey while booking buses.
  • How do users navigate the application and where did they drop from booking?
  • The user journey for bus booking is:
  1. Search Buses for a specific route (Pune to Mumbai)
  2. View Results
  3. Pick a seat
  4. Pay and book
  • After analyzing the user behaviour, the results concluded that there were more than 5000 searches done, but only 500 users got the results. The remaining 90% of the users did not get the buses available for the routes that they were searching for.
  • Root cause – There was a bug in the system and hence, users were not able to view the results despite the buses being available for those specific routes.
Action – The team fixed the bug immediately and then the bus bookings were impacted by a significant number in the next few weeks.
1. Build Measure and Learn
2. Watch how users are using your product after you deploy a new feature.
3. Track the user behaviour and track the events in the user journey
4. Fixing a bug can impact the growth as compared to introducing a new feature.
Want to learn more and uplift product management capabilities for your organization, we would love to talk to you.
Rahul Narsinghani
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