What are the Strategic Aspects of Product Management?

stratgic aspects of product management

Product Strategy and Product Marketing  are the key activities to be successful in Product Management.Product managers with engineering backgrounds have software development and technical aspects as strength areas. Hence, these product managers are operationally very effective. They are awesome at working with scrum teams and other agile product development aspects. However, “Operational effectiveness is not a … Read more

Take time to Sharpen your Axe

time to learn

Continuous Learning & Upgrading the strategic skills to move up in the Product career.Once upon a time, a very strong woodcutter asked for a job as a timber merchant. The pay was really good and so were the working conditions. For those reasons, the woodcutter was determined to do his best. His boss gave him an … Read more

Evolution of Information Age

Evolution of human body

Evolution of Information Age The human body consumes food and the mind consumes information. The human mind has been consuming information for more than 10,00 years through the following sources: Vedic Age through four Vedas: Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda and Atharvaveda Teachings of Buddha in the Pali language The Bhagavad Gita The newspaper was invented in … Read more

Four Harmonious Friends of Bhutan

Product Manager

Great Products are built on Great Teams. The execution Team is the secret behind every successful product and every successful company. We offer product manager training online to Software companies. In 2019, While I was on vacation with my family to Bhutan. We came across this story of four harmonious friends who lived happily with mutual cooperation. … Read more

Build Measure Learn

Build Measure Learn

Build Measure Learn is the process to build the right products faster based on validated learning from Customer feedback. This concept is shared by Eric Ries in his book – The Lean Startup.  A few years ago, while I was building an online travel app for a startup, we built a new feature for users to book … Read more

Great Products are built by Great Teams collaborating and trusting each other.

Great Products are build by Great Teams

Great Products are built by Great Teams collaborating and trusting each other. As Product Manager, Should you compete and have conflicts with Engineering Team or Should you be collaborating with them to build great products? In software companies, inter-departmental conflicts and battles are very common and here is a list of a few: The Product … Read more

What is Product Discovery?

Product Discovery

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mdVHk2akxoM&t=12sProduct Discovery is an important part of Product Management. In product discovery where on the one hand serendipity or chance discovery works and one should always be alert to the Archimedes Eureka scenarios; on the other hand, there is the scientific approach given by the Design Council.The design council’s framework for innovation helps designers and non-designers … Read more

What is Disruptive Innovation?

Disruptive Innovation

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2M_zIR5BYs&t=19sWhat is Disruptive Innvoation? Disruptive Innovation is not about making good products better products. It is about making a product that is affordable and accessible to underserved customers or not served customers. Let’s understand through an example: In the 1990s, Siebel was the leader in CRM on-premise market. It built CRM software for large enterprises with more than … Read more

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