Choose the Best Product Management Course

Product Management Training better than Pragmatic Institute

We are committed to helping you choose the best Product Management Course. The following comparisons will help you decide on the best product management training. We have done a comparison of these four product management courses offered by leading global B- Schools with our course. This comparison will help you in decision making. ISB Product … Read more

What is the Product Manager’s career path?

Product Manager career path

Here is the Product Manager career path. The Product Manager Career Path has the potential to start as Associate Product Manager and reach the CEO level in 10 years.  One can enter Product Management as an Engineer or after MBA. Start as Associate Product Manager and move to the CEO level by moving up the ladder … Read more

Ten Product Management Skills

Product Management Skills to grow in the career. The 10 Product management skills needed to be a Good Product Manager – Nature Vs Nurture Which of the following are natural and which can be nurtured?    Problem-Solving Attitude – as humans, we are never comfortable in any problem situation and as a natural tendency we … Read more

Should Product Managers be Extroverts or Introverts?

Listening and Empathizing are the two most important Product Management skills.   There are two broad categories of Personality types.  Extroverts are good at spontaneous communication and are good at public speaking. They have the Halo Effect and are the preferred choice in Leadership roles by Organizations. They are good at functioning from System 1, fast … Read more

What is Positioning?

What is Positioning

Positioning is the perception of a product in the minds of the customer. Positioning creates a unique identity of a product.Positioning is the reason for which the customer will choose the product among competitors.Who designs Positioning?The Mini-CEO is responsible for designing the Positioning.Positioning is a critical part of business strategy. As an engineer working on … Read more

Why do we ‘google’ and not ‘yahoo’ or ‘bing’?

Google, bing and yahoo

Product Design is the key differentiator in great products and average products.Yahoo was founded in 1994. Google was founded in 1998.Microsoft’s search engine ‘Bing’ was founded in 2009.The google search page uses The Laws of Gestalt or The Laws of Visual Psychology.In fact, the google search page uses three Laws of Gestalt.1. The Law of … Read more

Should Organizations Make Differentiated Products or Disruptive Products?

disruptive products

Amazon follows Disruptive Innovation strategy since 1994.In 1994 Amazon disrupted the publishers and booksellers by selling books online.In 1999 Amazon disrupted the retailers by selling goods online.In 2006 Amazon disrupted cloud services by offering Amazon Web Services to BusinessesIn 2007 Amazon disrupted the hard print books market with Kindle.In 2016 Amazon rolled out 2200 Amazon … Read more

Should Product Managers be Business Strategist or Technologist?

Business Strategist

Product Strategy comprises 70 % of the Product Management Framework. However, Product Managers are spending more than 90% of their time on Technical and operational activities. If Product Managers spend more time on Strategic activities, then Customer-centric products are built.  In 2018, Mckinsey Product Management Index highlighted the typical time spent by Product Managers on various activities. … Read more

Why is the Windscreen in a Car Horizontally Rectangular?


Product Design should be aligned with Human behaviour and Human habits.  Why is the windscreen in a car horizontally rectangular?Because our eyes are placed horizontally rectangular on our face.Why is a mobile phone vertically rectangular?Because our ear and mouth can be linked with a vertically rectangular device.Imagine a circular, or a triangular, or a horizontally … Read more

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