Analytical and Creative Activities of Product Managers

The left brain and right brain of Product Managers

Let us understand the Analytical capabilities and Creative capabilities of Product Managers. The human brain has the capability to think logically and creatively. Logical thinking is attributed to the Left brain and Creative thinking is attributed to the right brain.

A successful product manager has the ability to efficiently move between the left and the right brain and use the capabilities of both effectively.
The following activities are attributed to the left brain in product management role:
  1. Market Research activities of Analysing the opportunity, Estimating Market Size, Total Addressable market, Defining Product Vision, Problem Statement, Product objectives, KPIs and Business outcomes
  2. Analysing Competitors, Conducting Points of Parity and Points of Differentiation analysis.
  3. Analysing customer data, identifying the data patterns and spotting the right areas to improve. Deriving customer insights from big data is an attributed to Left brain capabilities.
  4. Project planning, sprint planning, release planning, prioritizing features and all other engineering activities are attributed to the left brain capabilities of product managers
Whereas, Brainstorming, Design Thinking, and Ideation, and Innovation are all attributed to Right brain capabilities. Creating the UX design and including the emotional elements in the UX are all attributed to the right brain thinking. Empathizing with users’ problems and needs is also attributed to the right brain of product managers.
Product Marketing activities: Creating emotional and viral stories to communicate the customer value to the marketing team and customers are all attributed to right brain.
  1. Product Management is both analytical and creative and both these capabilities reside within us.
  2. The challenge is to use both by choice by moving effortlessly between the analytical and the creative brain.

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