Google Bard vs ChatGPT

Google Bard vs Chat GPT

Google Bard vs ChatGPT The Battle of Generative AI is getting intense. Here is a brief on the war between two Tech Giants Google and Microsoft with their AI Products Bard vs ChatGPT. In 1999, Siebel was the leader in CRM on-premise space and it ignored Salesforce when it launched a new on-demand CRM version … Read more

Analytical and Creative Activities of Product Managers

Analytical & Creative activities of Product Managers

The left brain and right brain of Product Managers Let us understand the Analytical capabilities and Creative capabilities of Product Managers. The human brain has the capability to think logically and creatively. Logical thinking is attributed to the Left brain and Creative thinking is attributed to the right brain. A successful product manager has the … Read more

Porter’s Value Chain Model for Software Product Companies

Porter's Value chain model for Software product companies

In this article, we define the Porter’s Value Chain Model for Software Products and What activities contribute to delivering more customer value in Software companies? The business language has changed. Today, we use terms like: War rooms Ranks Targets Positioning Rivalry proposition Field force Strategy. All these terms are adopted from the Military. The truth is … Read more

Why should a Product Manager do Environmental Analysis?

PESTLE Analysis for Product Managers

PESTLE Analysis for Product ManagersAs a Product Manager, you make product decisions so that your customers and company both are happy and satisfied.While making product decisions, you analyze customer behaviour and identify their needs and problems.  You also analyze competitors, understand their differentiation and then create a differentiation for your product so that customers choose … Read more

When is the celebration time for Product Managers?

celebration for Product Managers for Product Managers is not only during Product Launches but more importantly during Customer delight moments. Celebration for Product managers is when Engineers, UX designers, Marketing and Sales, and Customer support enjoy Innovating and building the product with you.  As a Product Manager, you meet customers to understand their problems and any improvements in the product … Read more

The Common Problem of the Head of Product

Product Management Challenges

Product Management Challenges:  The product team comes up with the Idea and gives the requirements to UX designers and engineering. The Engineering team builds the feature. However, when released, there is no customer adoption of the feature. The reason is Product Team decided on the feature without any customer research and no customer validation. The Product … Read more

Do Customers know their Problems and Needs?

Identifying Customer problems

Identifying Customer Problems is the Fundamental duty of Product Managers. No, The customers do not know their problems. Henry Ford quoted once: “If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.” It is the job of the Product manager: To observe the customer behaviour in their natural environment and identify their problems … Read more

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