Why did Amazon Enter India in 2013?

Amazon's Product Strategy

Product Strategy is the key to building Great Products. The truth is every Business is a War and the primary objective of the product strategy is to deliver superior customer value than your competitors can. Do you know Why did Amazon enter India in 2013 and not before that?  In 2007, Flipkart pioneered online selling in India. The … Read more

Functional Or Aesthetic

UX Design

UX Design is the key differentiator in Great Products. E.g: Zerodha & Apple An old 1950’s car model was purely functional with no regard for aesthetics whereas new models are functionally superior and aesthetically designed.An old 1990’s mobile phone was functional with no regard for aesthetics. It was bulky like a walky-talky, hanging by the belt on … Read more

Will CRED go the freecharge Way?

What is the Product Strategy of CRED?   Want to Learn Product strategy with a CRED case study?Many entrepreneurs have a perpetual urge to search for a new business idea. They are continuously moving from one venture to another. We call them serial entrepreneurs. They have a permanent filter on their cornea that spots and scans … Read more

Zoom’s Boom

UX Design is the primary differentiator in Zoom. In December 2019, Zoom had only 10 million daily meeting participants. In March 2020, Zoom had 200 million daily meeting participantsIn April 2020, No. of daily meeting participants had grown by 30x. i.e 300 millionHow did Product Managers of Zoom design the application so that there is … Read more

Orgs have three minds working on building software products. Is there a need to have a fourth mind?

Product MindsetThere are many minds involved while building a Software product. Let’s talk about the four minds of the Software world. 1. Product Manager’s mind2. UX Designer’s mind3. Engineer’s mind 4. Customers The first three minds; the PM’s, UX designer’s and Engineers’ minds operate within an organization and the customers mind operates outside an organization. The … Read more

Does Prime Video Fit into Amazon’s Portfolio?

Learn Product Portfolio Planning with our Product Management Course In 2005, Amazon launched Prime video-on-demand service as a new product extension. This is an unrelated product to its core business of e-commerce. In this blog, let us understand Amazon’s strategy of connecting video streaming services to the e-commerce business. Video streaming is an entertainment business whereas … Read more

What is the Role of the Product Manager?

There are two worlds of every Organisation. One is the Outside World and the other is an Internal world. The outside world comprises Customers, Market, Competitors, Government, social, economic and technological factors that impact the business. The internal world of the Organisation comprises Engineering, Design, Marketing, Sales, Customer Support, Finance and Management Teams. The role of … Read more

Learn Product Strategy to move up in the Product career.

Product Manager to CEO

Want to Learn Product Strategy? Product Strategy UX Design Technology These are the three pillars of Product Management. Software Product Management is like a tripod.On the top of the tripod is the Software Product Manager.A Software Product Manager is a Mini-CEO.The three legs of the tripod are – Technical, Design, and Business Strategy.A Software Product … Read more

Should Product Managers Focus on Output or Outcome?

role of Product Managers

Product Management focus on Outcome over Output.Product Management focus on Customer value and not on features. The role of Product Managers is to solve the problems of their customers. Hence, it is important to focus on the outcome of each feature that is to be added to the product backlog. The product manager needs to prioritize … Read more

Journey of a Product Manager to CEO

Product Managers make good CEO's

Product managers make good CEOs. There are four leaders in the world today who have grown from the Product manager level to the CEO of an organization. These are: Sundar Pichai Satya Nadella Marissa Mayer Susan Wojcicki Let’s understand what traits are common to becoming a successful CEO and a successful Product Manager. The traits … Read more

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