Should Product Managers know Behavioral Economics?

Behavioural Economics

Five Nobel Prizes in economics have been given for research done in Behavioural Economics. Behavioural Economics is the study of decision-making. How to use concepts of Behavioural Economics in UX design? Using methods from psychology, sociology, neurology, and economics, behavioural economics sheds light on the most fundamental activity of life: the decision-making process. Amazon, FB, YT, Google, … Read more

Product Management resides in the problem space and Engineering resides in the solution space

“Every Problem is an opportunity in disguise.” Today, consumer and business problems are solved using technology products. Every product that we use is solving a specific problem. Identifying a problem and then building a Solution in collaboration with engineering is the core job of the Product Manager. Spotting Problems as opportunity is the most important … Read more

Learn Go-To-Market strategy and move up in the Product career.

The 7-steps of a good Go-to-Market strategy are: 1. Target audience2. Value propositions3. Messaging4. GTM Team5. Demand Generation6. Marketing Mix7. Price The Mini-CEO is responsible for the Go-To-Market strategy. As an engineer working on the technical leg of the tripod – equip yourself with the knowledge of business strategy.That is the path to a Mini-CEO and CEO. Think about … Read more

What is Positioning?

What is Positioning

      Brian Chesky’s decision is perfect and wise to include Product marketing activities in the scope for Product Managers.  This decision from Airbnb’s co-founder will transform the Product Management role and will give it the right direction to perform more strategic activities.    Positioning is the perception of a product in the minds … Read more

How did Salesforce Position its CRM Product Against Siebel?

Continuous Innovation and bringing new products is the recommended competition strategy for Leader companies. Reference Book: Marketing Warfare by Al Ries & Jack Trout When Salesforce launched CRM on-demand product in 1999, it was ignored by Siebel, the market leader. Siebel was offering CRM on-premise to Large enterprises only and due to high cost, small … Read more

What are the Challenges for the Leaders of Product Management?

The Product Management Challenge is that Strategy is taking a back seat. Product Strategy skills are missing in Product Management.  Software Product management is a triad and has three pillars: Business Strategy Product Design Technology There is a heavy demand for product managers in the software industry in India. But, the challenge is a lack of … Read more

What is the Difference Between Good Programmers and Artists?


Programmers are artists and are not different, they are siblings. Good programmers create a beautiful piece of software and artists create beautiful art- paintings, sculptors, books, embroidery or any other artwork Empathy is the most common trait in both of them, they understand the emotions of the users, the programmers think of users before designing a … Read more

The Depth and Shallowness of Product Management

product management depth

Product Strategy & Product Marketing are central activities in Product Management. Product Management Role is most enjoyed when you dive deep in it and perform Strategic activities and marketing activities. Product management is one of the hottest skills in the software industry today and there is a high demand for good product managers. There are … Read more

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