Which Aspects of Product Management Can Help you Progress in your Career?

Uplift Product Strategy skills to move up in a Product Management career.
There are two aspects of product management:
  1. Strategic aspects – The product manager understands the targeted customer and identifies the problems to be solved for a specific customer segment.
  2. The product manager does market research, analyzes customer behaviour, and analyses competitors trying to solve the same problems.
  3. The product manager defines the customer value proposition that can be delivered by solving the identified problems and identifying a unique differentiator for the product.
  4. The product manager works with Marketing to communicate the customer value.
  5. Tactical aspects – The product manager works with engineering and QA in the scrum teams.
  6. Responsible for readying product backlog items and prioritizing them
  7. Works with UX designers to review the screens
If you are strong in tactical aspects, then you need to uplift your strategic thinking to move up in the Product leadership role.
Product managers with strong strategic thinking and design thinking aspects can create great products for their customers and generate value for the company.
Do you want to learn Product Strategy and move your career to the next level in Product Management? Join our online Product Management course. 
If you want us to train your product management and product development team, please contact us @ rahul.vtc@gmail.com 
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