Great Products are built by Great Teams collaborating and trusting each other.

Great Products are built by Great Teams collaborating and trusting each other.
As Product Manager, Should you compete and have conflicts with Engineering Team or Should you be collaborating with them to build great products?
In software companies, inter-departmental conflicts and battles are very common and here is a list of a few:
  1. The Product Management vs The Product Development
  2. Developers vs QA
  3. Project Managers vs Developers
  4. Developers vs UX Designers
  5. Product Managers vs UX Designers
It is common in companies that all of these functions compete with each other and waste a lot of energy & time in conflicts and resolution. However, At an Organization Level, they are all supposed to achieve the same Business Goals to generate more profits and deliver customer value. Instead of conflicts, they should be collaborating more and helping each other to deliver customer value and build great products together.
All of them have different areas of expertise and different points of view. So, they can discuss and brainstorm constructively as a team to build great products and avoid conflicts and battles.
If there are battles and conflicts within departments, then, the goal of delivering customer value is completely missed and the entire company is at loss. They will also lose star performers and young talent because of unhealthy work culture.
On the contrary, Successful Companies create Great products because all these different functions collaborate and trust each other. They deliver and defeat competitors in the market as one Team.
Lessons learnt:
  1. Great products are built through wonderful collaboration between different teams involved in building these products.
  2. There is more fun at work in collaborating rather than in battles.
  3. Great Products = Product Management + Engineering + User Experience + Customer Support
  4. As a Product Manager, you must also be good at conflict resolution and also ensure that the team has a healthy environment to work and collaborate.

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