Should Organizations Make Differentiated Products or Disruptive Products?

Amazon follows Disruptive Innovation strategy since 1994.
In 1994 Amazon disrupted the publishers and booksellers by selling books online.
In 1999 Amazon disrupted the retailers by selling goods online.
In 2006 Amazon disrupted cloud services by offering Amazon Web Services to Businesses
In 2007 Amazon disrupted the hard print books market with Kindle.
In 2016 Amazon rolled out 2200 Amazon grocery stores that use new technology to make the shopping experience much more efficient and enjoyable.
In 2017 Amazon purchased the Whole Foods chain to further make its disruption intent clear.
In 2017 Amazon announced that it is going to work with JP Morgan and Berkshire Hathaway to disrupt and transform one of the most dysfunctional industries in existence —
the U.S. healthcare system. Though this idea was disbanded in 2021, the attempt was to try and disrupt a very aggressive, self-protected industry.
What is it that makes Amazon a disruptor?
Is the Amazon DNA because Bezos has a disruptor DNA?
Does Amazon have disruption in its organizational DNA?
Disruptor DNA’s have high potential to make organizations big in today’s competitive world.
“Organizations need to think of building disruptive products rather than differentiated products.”
Our Product Management Course is designed to help you train the concepts of Disruptive Innovation and you will certainly be able to build Disruptive Products post our Product Management training program. 

Our Competitive Advantages are:

  1. Harvard Business School case-study-based training. 
  2. The cost of the Training is only INR 19,999/-
  3. Duration is only 1 week
  4. Product Management Trainers have combined professional experience of more than 40 years in Product Strategy, Product Management and Product Marketing
  5. The Trainers also have 10+ years in Academics and Product Management Training.
  6. We cover the vast domain of Product Management and include all the topics like Behavior Driven Design and concepts of Choice Architecture, Nudge and Behavioral Economics.

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