Product Management resides in the problem space and Engineering resides in the solution space

Product management
“Every Problem is an opportunity in disguise.”
Today, consumer and business problems are solved using technology products. Every product that we use is solving a specific problem. Identifying a problem and then building a Solution in collaboration with engineering is the core job of the Product Manager. Spotting Problems as opportunity is the most important activity of a Product manager. Let’s see few examples:
1. Problem of communication is solved by Mobile phones
2. Problem of getting bored and wanting to belong to a community is solved by Whatsapp, Facebook and Instagram
3. Problem of Hunger – Zomato, Swiggy, Licious
4. Problem of shopping – Amazon, Big Basket, Flipkart, Myntra
5. Problem of Entertainment – Netflix, Prime, Youtube, TV
6. Problem of collaboration – MS Teams, Zoom, Slack
7. Problem of transportation – Ola, Uber, Private cars
8. Problem of building website –, GoDaddy
9. Problem of searching for Information – Google, Youtube
So, The Tech World has primarily two spaces:
1. Problem space
2. Solution space
Let’s see What resides in Problem Space vs Solution space?
There are users and buyers who are focused on solving their respective problems. Users focus on functionality and Buyers focus on business value. They are not focused on technology. Hence, Users and buyers both reside in the Problem space. Product Management is about addressing the problems and needs of the Users and buyers via Product planning and Product Marketing. Product Management is about identifying the user’s problems and articulating these problems for Engineers so that they can build software solutions. Hence, Product Management resides solely in the problem space.
On the other side, in the Solution space, we have products and technologies that solve user’s problems. These Tech products or software solutions are built by engineering teams. Hence, Engineering, Products and Technologies reside in the Solution space.
Hence, “Product Management resides exclusively in the problem space and Engineering resides in the solution space.”
However, Tech organisations need both the disciplines: Product Management and Engineering. Product Management focuses on Users, Buyers and their needs and problems. Engineering Teams focus on solving the User’s problems and they build software products that use technology to solve customer problems.
Hence, “Successful Tech Companies are those where Product and Engineering teams work harmoniously and complement each other in identifying and solving Customer problems using technology”.
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