Learn Product Strategy to move up in the Product career.

Product management course in India

Want to Learn Product Strategy?

  1. Product Strategy
  2. UX Design
  3. Technology 

These are the three pillars of Product Management. 

Software Product Management is like a tripod.
On the top of the tripod is the Software Product Manager.
A Software Product Manager is a Mini-CEO.
The three legs of the tripod are – Technical, Design, and Business Strategy.
A Software Product Manager has to become knowledgeable in all three.
Most of us operate at different levels of one of the legs of the tripod and then hit a dead end in our careers – unable to understand why their progression to Mini-CEO is not happening.
If you are an engineer complete the holistic knowledge requirement of Business strategy and the basics of design.
That is the path to a Mini-CEO and CEO.
Think about it.
Learn Product Strategy with our Online Product Management Course. 
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