What is the Difference Between Good Programmers and Artists?

Programmers are artists and are not different, they are siblings. Good programmers create a beautiful piece of software and artists create beautiful art- paintings, sculptors, books, embroidery or any other artwork
Empathy is the most common trait in both of them, they understand the emotions of the users, the programmers think of users before designing a piece of software or writing a single line of code. They think – how the software will be used?
Artists also think- How their painting will be perceived, or how will the viewers feel by looking at it?
Both are creators and Makers, they create something new, that is original and authentic. Programmers create a unique piece of code that is very unique and individual to them. It feels refreshing to read a clean code. It also feels refreshing to look at a beautiful painting or read a beautifully written book.
Both artists and good programmers do not copy; they create new things from scratch. There are not so good programmers who also copy.
Both are creative and innovative in their art and coding.
They are both detail-oriented: Programmers detail the code at the very granular level and artists detail the paintings. The beauty lies in the details.
Good programmers are in love with their day job – coding and that is why they can spend more time doing a side project.
There is a beautiful quote about Programming:
“Programs should be written for people to read, and only incidentally for machines to execute”
Should Product Managers be like Artists and have these traits?
1. Empathy for Users
2. Love their Job and only then they can be relentless
3. Creativity and Innovation
4. Detail-oriented
5. Strategic Thinkers
6. Execution Oriented
7. Lead with actions more than Speech
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