Journey of a Product Manager to CEO

Product managers make good CEOs. There are four leaders in the world today who have grown from the Product manager level to the CEO of an organization. These are:
  1. Sundar Pichai
  2. Satya Nadella
  3. Marissa Mayer
  4. Susan Wojcicki
Let’s understand what traits are common to becoming a successful CEO and a successful Product Manager.
The traits are very similar. A product manager is a mini-CEO at the product level. The only difference is in terms of the authority and power of the CEO and product manager.
The following traits are required in a good Product manager:
  • Business acumen and Product Strategy
  • Deep Customer Understanding
  • Ability to generate Business Value for customers
  • Ability to understand competition and strategize to outwit competitors
  • Ability to spot opportunities and analyze the external factors impacting the business
  • Passion for solving problems leveraging technology
  • An eye for design and visual aesthetics, User experience
  • Product Marketing
  • Product monetization ability
We believe in two fundamentals:
  1. A successful product manager is a Business strategist first and a Technologist next
  2. A successful product manager is a Psychologist first and an Engineer next.
At Rebel Learning House, we are on a mission to create successful mini-CEOs and successful product managers for India. These product managers will make good CEOs in the future.
If you have the passion and want to walk this journey from Product manager to CEO, let’s connect.
We will train you to think, act and succeed strategically.
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