Evolution of Information Age

Evolution of Information Age

The human body consumes food and the mind consumes information. The human mind has been consuming information for more than 10,00 years through the following sources:
  • Vedic Age through four Vedas: Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda and Atharvaveda
  • Teachings of Buddha in the Pali language
  • The Bhagavad Gita
  • The newspaper was invented in the 17th century
  • Radio
  • Television – Black & White and Color TV
  • Doordarshan
  • Computers
  • Laptops
  • Mobile
  • Internet
With this evolution, the supply of information has increased in zillions of bytes. Hence, there is an information overload.
But attention is scarce. The human mind was capable of focusing more in the past than it is today. Today, human attention span has fallen to only 8 seconds.
The direct impact of this evolution is on the learning of the human mind. The human mind has low capability and interest in learning new things.
The software organizations also face this challenge as the technology industry is so dynamic that learning new stuff is the secret sauce for being successful and sustaining in the market.
We, at Rebel Learning House, are in the business of training product management and product delivery teams. We see a gap in software companies today where product managers are product experts and technology experts, but they lack market expertise and are not focused on customer problems, rather they are more focused on solutions.
We bridge this gap by training product managers, project managers, program managers and business/product analysts.
If you want to know more about us, let’s meet.
Our differentiator:
  • The training method is in a case study format
  • Experiential learning by giving hands-on exercises to participants
  • The trainers have combined Industry experience of more than 40 years in product strategy, product management and product marketing
Rahul Narsinghani
Mob- 8600107504
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